Kreative Readers Bookclub


Keyonda Campbell - President of Kreative Readers

Share the History of the Kreative Readers.
I was searching for a book club to join at end of 2007, I found one, which name I won't mention and it seemed so cliquish and distant to the new members so I just kept looking. One of my friends joked about me starting my own group and I was on my journey since then. I began asking my online friends on Myspace would they be interested and also my friends off line. After starting a online YAHOO group we started our meetings. Our first in person meeting was March, 23rd 2008 at my house and the book of the month was The Coldest Winter ever. Which is a classic! Since then we have grown and have over six active in person members and four via online. We have meet several authors and even the Governor of IL.

The vision of the Kreative Readers:
When the group was first founded I promised myself not to be one of those groups where if you weren't a member you felt like you were looking at a secret society. I wanted the members and the group in general to be friendly and welcoming. Reading is more than just looking at a book, its absorbing some ones craftsmanship and traveling to a new place and or venue. Looking at the world through some one else's eyes and I feel that a book club should explore different, places and try different things that doesn't always line up with the literary world. Our slogan is "Where we put a Kreative Twist on reading" and I eventually want to add to that....Life.

Living your best life includes:
Enjoying all that the world of art has to offer with the emphasis of music, food and books!! And also a rewarding relationship with God.

On my bedroom book stand right now is: The List by Sherri Lewis and also We take this Man by Candice Dow and Daaimah S. Poole.

Favorite book when I was a child: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Name three authors you would like to do a phone chat with this year.
I would love to do a phone chat with Author Angelle Michelle, Bernice L. McFadden, E. Lynn Harris
Book you most want to read AGAIN much slower, to savor:
I really enjoy V.C. Andrews earlier work so I would like to re-read Flowers in the attic and savor her creative abilities.



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