Intimate Conversation with Michele Tapp Roseman

Intimate Conversation with Michele Tapp Roseman

Michele Tapp Roseman, M.A., writer/media specialist, has more than 20 years’ experience helping clients communicate more effectively. The principal of Communication On Tapp,  she has been featured in the Washington Times, MORE Magazine, WHUR’s “Let’s Talk Money,”  and been a guest on the Christian Broadcasting Network.  The native New Yorker is an Elder at Faith United Ministries and resides in the Washington, DC metropolitan area with her husband Kyle.

BPM: Who did you write Business Briefs for? Why?This weekly devotional guide was written to encourage busy professionals.  I wrote it because we know the challenge of having to bring our “A” game to work when personally and professionally we are “running on E.” I got the idea after having successfully hosted a free, weekly inspirational teleconference for three years; the name of this teleconference is “Business Briefs.”   This call – like the book – is designed to provide a source of hope without disrupting important daily events. Some people’s schedules preclude them from participating in this 15 minute teleconference.  With Business Briefs (the book), anyone can be uplifted at their leisure. The easy-to-follow entries, practical prayer and Scripture references can be read in less than 5 minutes.  There are 86,400 minutes in a day … surely we can give 5 of them to God.

BPM: What message in your book do you want readers to share with others?I’d like for the readers to realize that we should never get so busy that we don’t schedule time with God.  I also want readers to know and share that God’s schedule is never so chock-full that He doesn’t have time for us. An appointment with God -- whether 1 minute or 1 hour -- is one worth keeping.  Time alone with the One who made the world – helps us handle to everything that happens in our world.

BPM: Share with us a few life enhancing sections from the book, Business Briefs.
I Hate to Open The Door! – Week 22The principal benefit of working in an office versus telecommuting is the opportunity to share ideas with others in person. When working in an office, you also have an opportunity to share things that are not pleasant – such as refrigerator smells! There are times when I refuse to place my lunch in the company refrigerator because once I open the door I can hardly stand the smell of the contents.

Does this setting sound like a scene from your life? Is there a covered area of your life that has now started to leak in the work setting? Maybe there is an old secret that you will not disclose for fear of public embarrassment. Take a risk and share your life with God so that He can begin to eliminate the old and fill it with something new.

Motion Sensors – Week 26 I recall arriving to work earlier than normal and walking into a pitch black hallway.  I  did  not realize that the hallway lights are activated by motion sensors. Once I began to move, the lights came on and I could see where I was going.  Perhaps we should consider this question – how much closer would we be to our goals if we started moving? God’s challenge for us today is to start taking steps. You may be in the right place but if you do not move insight or inspiration may never appear. God is our “Motion Sense-er” who knows when we are moving and standing still. He is aware of missed opportunities because we gave way to fear and doubt. He is also the first one to help us when He senses we’re willing to move!

BPM: Share with us your latest news, awards or upcoming book releases.  Business Briefs is now available for purchase online and at the Christian Cultural Center book store in Brooklyn, NY ( I will also be featured in the Author’s Pavilion during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 40th Annual Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, September 15-18, 2010 (

BPM:  Before we end the interview, define SUCCESS. What part does GRATITUDE play in achieving success, in your opinion?In my estimation,  gratitude is the thread that keeps the tapestry of success intact. I refer to success as a “tapestry” because the success of one is birthed from the assistance of many. When one views tapestry, at first glance a particular image is readily visible. Upon closer inspection, though, the various hues and textures of  thread come into view. So it is with success. The successful person appears to stand alone. Upon closer inspection,  the impact of an encouraging spouse, uplifting boss and a tough-loving friend are seen.  The thread of gratitude ensures that we will not unravel under the heat of limelight. It is gratitude that knits us to the ones who have helped us along the way and propels us to weave someone else into what we have achieved.

BPM: How can our readers reach you online? Please visit  or e-mail me at to learn more about Business Briefs and how to get a copy. Also tune-in to the free, Business Briefs Teleconference every Tuesday at 12:30 pm (EST) by calling  (866) 576-7975   Code: 223743

Order your copy of  BUSINESS BRIEFS  by visiting


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